Yet another shocking revelation of lies has finally come to light.
At this critical moment in time, when what has been called conspiracy theories, is now being revealed as established truth. The covid shots dangers, Covid coming from a Wuhan lab, legacy media’s habitual lying to the public, and the massive and mounting evidence that much in science research, in a number of fields have been and continue to be fabricated, yet another shocking revelation has finally come to light.
This is BAD people. I have seen the entire miniseries, I have the books, and it is BAD.
(Now watch the evolutionists scramble to kill this story, and discredit the evidence).
A newly released television miniseries claims to document 150 instances of human evolution fraud carried out by top scientists working in the field.
Dr. Carl Werner, an award winning filmmaker, biologist, and physician (Summa cum laude, Biology, University of Missouri), and his Wife Debbie, traveled 175,000 miles through Africa, Europe, and South America, photographing the original ape-man (hominin) fossils at the top national museums (10,000 photos in all).
The couple conducted interviews with many of the leading evolution scientist
From around the world, and as a result, discovered that there was widespread fraud in the field of human evolution.
This fraud involved more than twelve leading scientist, national science museums and universities.
Dr. Werner says that through their research a total of 150 frauds has been established, including the most famous ape-men or hominins know, as LUCY.
Additionally, Home Habilis, Neanderthal Man, Homo erectus,
Australopithecus-africanus, Australopithecus Prometheus, Homo rudolfensis,
Zinj, Turkana Boy, and many others were among the human evolution claims that have turned out to be fraudulent.
And according to Dr. Werner, most of the large natural history museums still have
many fraudulent ape-men (hominins) skulls and skeletons on display.
In one interview in an episode of the miniseries, Dr. Ron Clarke from the University of the Witwatersrand accused his colleague Dr. Phillip Tobias of committing a fraud even bigger than the Piltdown fraud. He said, "The Piltdown
forgery actually was very clever. The [Homo habilis] StW 53 forgery by Curnoe and Tobias was stupid!”
In another interview in the miniseries, Dr. Robert Broom from the National Museum of South Africa reported that the famous human evolution scientist
Dr. Raymond Dart gave him this advice: "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story."
Apparently, he took his own advice, according to Dr. Carl Werner, Dr. Dart carried out 35 frauds with the famous ape-man which appeared in 2001: A Space Odyssey, Australopithecus prometheus, including altering the skull and pelvis.
Also revealed in the miniseries, another scientist, Dr. Paul Palmqvist, Professor of Paleontology from the University of Malaga, Spain, accused his colleague Dr. Jose Gibert of fraudulently altering a donkey skull drawing in order to pass it off as an ape-man. Yet another scientist, Dr. Alain Beauvilain, coordinator of Chadian paleontologic research in North Africa, accused his close colleague
Dr. Michel Brunet of repeatedly lying about the circumstances of the discovery of the Touami skull and fraudulently hiding the associated femur found next to the skull.
The frauds were so numerous they necessarily were divided into four episodes of the miniseries.
Episode 5 covers the 20 ape-man frauds committed in North and South America. Episode 6 details the 60 frauds carried out by African scientists (Leakey, Dart, Broom).
Episode 7 enumerates the 70 frauds carried out by scientists in Europe. Episode 8, the final episode of the miniseries clearly shows the frauds of Dr. Michel Brunet who discovered Toumai.
This just released miniseries can be viewed online at TheGrandExperiment.VHX.TV
The series is also available for broadcast (please contact Audio Visual Consultants for broadcast licenses).
The 40 scientists interviewed for the miniseries include: Drs. Donald Johanson, Richard Leakey, F. Clark Howell, Yves Coppens, Ian Tattersall, Henry de Lumley, Michel Brunet, Daniel Lieberman, Robert Brain, Ronald Clarke, Patrick Semal, and 29 others).
Media Contact
Dr. Carl Werner, Audio Visual Consultants Inc., 1 (323) 609-7633 Ext. 5,
SOURCE: Audio Visual Consultants Inc.
Thank you for shining light on yet another lie from the establishment!